Job offer: Direc­tor of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy


In 2017, the Univer­sity of Geneva part­ne­red with a number of major inter­na­tio­nal phil­an­thro­pic foun­da­ti­ons to create the Geneva Centre for Phil­an­thropy of the Univer­sity of Geneva (GCP), marking our city as one of the world’s leading centres of compe­tency in this field. Taking into account the multi­di­sci­pli­nary nature of phil­an­thropy, the GCP works closely with the University’s diffe­rent facul­ties to conduct rese­arch, offer rela­ted cour­ses, and trans­fer know­ledge to prac­ti­tio­ners and the grea­ter public. The GCP’s mission is built around three mutually-rein­for­cing axes: rese­arch and publi­ca­ti­ons, cour­ses, and events open to the community. 

The center is looking a

Direc­tor of the Geneva Centre for Phil­an­thropy of the Univer­sity of Geneva, 50–60%

Guided by a stra­te­gic commit­tee and supported by a scien­ti­fic commit­tee, you will assume respon­si­bi­lity for defi­ning the GCP’s acade­mic acti­vi­ties and its stra­tegy, super­vi­sing their imple­men­ta­tion with assis­tance from an execu­tive direc­tor, with the objec­tive of posi­tio­ning the GCP as a centre of excel­lence in phil­an­thropy on a local, natio­nal, and inter­na­tio­nal level. As spokesper­son, you will ensure repre­sen­ta­tion of the GCP both within the Univer­sity and extern­ally as well as coor­di­na­tion with diffe­rent stakeholders.

You will define the opera­ting budget and spear­head fund­rai­sing. You will plan and track projects and you will create, lead, attend, and/or take part in cour­ses and rese­arch projects rela­ted to the GCP. You will also super­vise the admi­nis­tra­tive team of 3 to 5 co-workers.

As a profes­sor with clearly demons­tra­ted acade­mic exper­tise, ideally rela­ted to phil­an­thropy, you possess broad know­ledge of the field in both Switz­er­land and inter­na­tio­nally, with a well-deve­lo­ped network of cont­acts. A genuine leader, you have demons­tra­ted a true capa­city to bring toge­ther a variety of contri­bu­tors for a common project. A solid mana­ger, you are comfor­ta­ble with budge­tary over­sight and new tech­no­lo­gies. A superb commu­ni­ca­tor and diplo­mat at ease in rela­ti­ons at all levels, you are also reco­gni­zed for the impec­ca­ble quality of your writing.

If you wish to take on this chall­enge with passion and enthu­si­asm and can demons­trate excel­lent mastery of oral and writ­ten English and, abso­lut­ely essen­ti­ally, French, please submit your dossier exclu­si­vely via our website « Postuler/Apply now ».

Start date between 1 Febru­ary and 1 May 2024 at the latest.

StiftungSchweiz engagiert sich für eine Philanthropie, die mit möglichst wenig Aufwand viel bewirkt, für alle sichtbar und erlebbar ist und Freude bereitet.

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