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Finding the perfect match.

Another great service is now available at stiftungschweiz.ch. If you are looking for a new trus­tee for your board, look no further! It’s all the result of a new part­ner­ship with StiftungsratsMandat.com.

The Stif­tungs­re­port 2020 showed that there were around 70,000 trus­tee posi­ti­ons in Switz­er­land at the end of 2019, divi­ded between 62,000 indi­vi­du­als. When a vacancy arises on a board of trus­tees today, every commit­tee faces simi­lar ques­ti­ons: what skills should a new trus­tee bring to the table? How can we guaran­tee profes­sio­na­lism? And how does the selec­tion respect diver­sity? A thorough search for the best candi­date can be time-consum­ing, parti­cu­larly if you are looking for skills – or a combi­na­tion of skills – that are not easy to find. The fact that serving as a trus­tee is volun­t­ary or, at best, low-paid work can also make it more diffi­cult to persuade
quali­fied indi­vi­du­als to make a long-term commitment.

This is all set to change. Toge­ther, StiftungsratsMandat.com and StiftungSchweiz are offe­ring a unique and effec­tive service to support your search. StiftungsratsMandat.com has a pool of over 1,000 regis­tered poten­tial trus­tees. And stiftungschweiz.ch, Switzerland’s largest digi­tal phil­an­thropy orga­ni­sa­tion, brings its coding and matching system and access to the foun­da­ti­ons. The new service builds on the expe­ri­ence and exper­tise of the two plat­forms. They comple­ment one another perfectly to provide a simple, effi­ci­ent and syste­ma­tic search process.

Effizientes Zusammenspiel
Effi­ci­ent teamwork

The StiftungsratsMandat.com plat­form has been live since early summer 2020. It was deve­lo­ped by Domi­nic Lüthi and his team. The
team began opera­ting its first match­ma­king plat­form (boardplacement.com) for boards
of direc­tors and SMEs back in 2012. It is ther­e­fore able to draw on a wealth of expe­ri­ence. Working with Peter Buss and his team, the idea of acting as a match­ma­ker for
trus­tees came about.

Vielfalt an Kompetenzen
Diverse skill mix

‘More and more foun­da­ti­ons and
socie­ties were asking us whether we also acted as match­ma­kers for boards of trus­tees or socie­ties’ execu­tive commit­tees,’ Domi­nic
Lüthi explains, ‘so it made sense for us to look to part­ner up with StiftungSchweiz.’ ‘It’s a case of clas­sic match­ma­king and that’s what we specia­lise in,’ adds Peter Buss, conti­nuing, ‘We deve­lo­ped an appro­priate search mecha­nism
and adapted the navi­ga­tion to our user expe­ri­ence. This means that our users are able to navi­gate the site with ease.’ It is, howe­ver, crucial, Buss points out, that a trus­tee has first conside­red where their strengths lie. The speci­fi­ca­ti­ons for the prefer­red
candi­date need to be clear: skills, age, language, gender, etc. ‘StiftungSchweiz is able to access all of our foun­da­tion profiles directly,’ explains Lüthi.

Nächster Schritt: Nur bei gegenseitigem Interesse
Next step: provi­ded mutual inte­rest is identified

Dialo­gue between the foun­da­tion and the poten­tial trus­tees is only contin­ued if mutual inte­rest is iden­ti­fied, the two part­ners explain. Aside from the admi­nis­tra­tors of the two plat­forms, only the two parties invol­ved receive the data. This is important to know, as users can be assu­red that privacy is guaran­teed on both plat­forms. ‘Once the sear­cher and the indi­vi­dual they are inte­res­ted in are brought
toge­ther by email, we tend to find that they imme­dia­tely get in touch with each other by phone,’ Domi­nic Lüthi states. For orga­ni­sa­ti­ons looking for a new trus­tee for their
board, the search is included in the Basic and Premium StiftungSchweiz subscrip­ti­ons. An
addi­tio­nal match­ma­king fee (1,290 francs) only arises if the match is successful.

Are you looking for a new trustee?

  • Diverse skill sets
  • All the most common languages from Chinese to Spanish
  • Around 1,000 regis­tered individuals
  • Around 1/4 women 3/4 men
  • Expe­ri­en­ced profes­sio­nals and mana­gers from the key industries
  • All age groups represented

Here’s how it works:

  1. Draw up a list of specifications
  2. Log in to stiftungschweiz.ch
  3. Enter your speci­fi­ca­ti­ons in the online form
  4. Make your selection
StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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