60 years of WWF

The World Wide Fund For Nature (known today as the World Wild­life Fund) was foun­ded on 29 April 1961 in Morges, Switz­er­land. The WWF Switz­er­land branch was crea­ted the same year in Zurich.

Accor­ding to WWF Switz­er­land, the orga­ni­sa­tion has since supported more than 1,000 projects in over 100 count­ries to protect the envi­ron­ment, play­ing an important role in imple­men­ting them. It is also one of the largest donors for the inter­na­tio­nal program­mes. In addi­tion, WWF Switz­er­land conti­nues to use specia­list know­ledge to further deve­lop nature and envi­ron­men­tal protec­tion work. Child­ren and youth work is also a part of the organisation’s DNA. For many years, WWF Switz­er­land has main­tai­ned colla­bo­ra­ti­ons with compa­nies for more sustainable products. With nume­rous bran­ches throug­hout the coun­try, it is also locally ancho­red. WWF Switz­er­land has around 270,000 members and supporters.

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