Dear readers It is precious, essential and endangered: the informative public discourse. Philanthropy in particular needs this: those who engage...
Joined20. October 2019
Dear reader Is the charitable sector on the verge of a paradigm shift? Entrepreneurial forms of funding are being widely...
Why does Mobiliar focus so heavily on resilience? As an insurance company, our business model is based on the principle...
Dear reader, Which generation is actually the ‘next’ generation – the one after us, or the one after me? Or...
Emilie Romon, Yuxian Seow, Katalin Hausel, Nora Wilhelm We are confronted with an urgent need to find and support transformative...
Digitalisation is shaping the media landscape, challenging it, and in some respects has also disrupted it. It is changing the...
In a world with everchanging technological advancements and increasing complexity, it is crucial to grant access to the essential principles...
Dear reader, The world is topsy-turvy at the moment. One crisis after another. With little prospect that the situation will...
Gebert decided to set up a foundation in 1997, 14 days after Geberit had been sold. He told his long-standing...
A consortium of eight grant giving foundations has had a stake in StiftungSchweiz for a year now. This commitment reflects...