Getting invol­ved 

How nonprofit organisations achieve more as part of a network

Dear reader,

Colla­bo­ra­tion always starts with the indi­vi­dual. Why? Because colla­bo­ra­tion demands effort and dedi­ca­tion. It requi­res passion and trust – along with a great deal of tact and stamina. When it comes to colla­bo­ra­tion-based struc­tures that draw on the poten­tial of all invol­ved, the commit­ment of each and every parti­ci­pant is cruci­ally important.

Many phil­an­thro­pic enter­pri­ses are still flying solo. In so doing, they fail to unlock the poten­tial and impact promi­sed by shared projects, initia­ti­ves and program­mes. While every foun­da­tion does have its own carefully craf­ted purpose, these purpo­ses are always nonpro­fit in nature and have an eye to bigger things. A shared approach comes with major bene­fits: it makes phil­an­thropy more visi­ble, stron­ger and, in most cases, more impactful, too.

The scale of the chal­lenges curr­ently facing our society means that new, networked approa­ches are indis­pensable. Phil­an­thropy needs to pool its resour­ces if it wants to play a role in shaping the future and serve as a rele­vant force in the process of trans­for­ma­tion and syste­mic change. We believe that a strong network leads to a grea­ter impact. 

But where to start? Our latest issue show­ca­ses fruitful colla­bo­ra­ti­ons, shining a spot­light on alli­ances and part­ner­ships that are alre­ady successfully under­way and on the as-yet untap­ped poten­tial offe­red by coll­ec­tive intel­li­gence. All told, one thing is clear: not colla­bo­ra­ting is simply not an option. And certainly not in the nonpro­fit sector. 

The Philanthropist team

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