To address the opportunities and ethical challenges AI presents, the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP), in partnership with the Botnar...
International philanthropy has become part of our everyday life. International philanthropy has been a key actor to address the COVID-19...
Never before has the urgency to take measures to reduce climate change and minimise its consequences been so evident. Against...
In a world with everchanging technological advancements and increasing complexity, it is crucial to grant access to the essential principles...
Der gemeinnützige Verein Cuisine sans frontières hat eine neue Geschäftsleiterin. Per 1. Februar hat Silvana Lindt die Position übernommen. In...
Why do you say that empathy is particularly important to philanthropy? Anita Nowak: The word philanthropy means “love of mankind,”...
In an era where the sustainability of quality, independent, public interest journalism faces unprecedented challenges, a novel approach to media...
How do inclusive and collaborative approaches belong together? Is one possible without the other? It is my strong belief that only...
Transparency Increases Trust Katja Schönenberger, you have only been the managing director of SwissFoundations for half a year and were thus...
How has the refugee situation evolved around the world over the past year? I’ve been working in the humanitarian sector for...
After the national elections in 2019, it became clear that the Swiss abroad are connected to Switzerland on the basis...
“Philanthropy is indispensable for society in many countries. Yet it is often treated as irrelevant at the policy level.” —...