Giuseppe Ugazio

Promote Ethi­cal and Inclu­sive AI

The University of Geneva is conducting a survey on artificial intelligence in philanthropy. Giuseppe Ugazio, Assistant Professor at the Geneva Finance Research Institute, says what insights they hope to gain and what responsibilities philanthropy must take on in the topic.

You are conduc­ting a survey on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) in phil­an­thropy. What insights do you want to gain?

The main aim of the survey is to under­stand if Phil­an­thro­pic orga­niza­ti­ons in Switz­er­land are aware of this rapidly advan­cing tech­no­logy, gene­rally label­led arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence  , and of its poten­tial bene­fits and chal­lenges for the sector.

Can only foun­da­ti­ons that alre­ady use AI take part in the survey?

No, on the contrary we would like to know not only from those who alre­ady use/know about AI, but also from those who don’t. Among the latter, we seek to under­stand if they have an inte­rest in knowing more, or if not why not.

Ensu­ring that AI is used not only to maxi­mize the profits bene­fits of a few, but rather that it used to bene­fit the largest number of people possible.

Giuseppe Ugazio

AI also has risks: Where do you see these?

Like all new tech­no­lo­gies AI carries also risks, in parti­cu­lar if it is used without the neces­sary know­ledge. For exam­ple it has been shown that using AI can lead to wrong decis­i­ons in terms of recruit­ment (with AI being biased against mino­ri­ties). In order to mini­mize the risks we need to raise aware­ness of what AI can be used for, how it can be used well, and how it should not be used.

Should phil­an­thropy take its own initia­ti­ves in the field of AI?

We firmly believe yes, in parti­cu­lar to promote Ethi­cal and Inclu­sive AI: ensu­ring that AI is used not only to maxi­mize the profits bene­fits of a few, but rather that it used to bene­fit the largest number of people possi­ble, in parti­cu­lar those who are typi­cally excluded from new tech­no­lo­gies. Another role of Phil­an­thropy is iden­ti­fy­ing ethi­cal guide­lines that ensure AI is maxi­mally helping our socie­ties and making sure that these prin­ci­ples are adopted by regu­la­ti­ons of this technology

What poten­tial do you see for the phil­an­thropy sector?

AI can contri­bute to make the opera­ti­ons of the phil­an­thro­pic sector more effi­ci­ent in seve­ral ways: it can help with tasks ranging from admi­nis­tra­tion of person­nel and resour­ces to impact measu­re­ment or simpli­fy­ing inter­ac­tions between donors and beneficiaries.

Until when can inte­res­ted parties parti­ci­pate in the survey and how do you inform about the findings?

Ideally we would like to receive response by the end of Janu­ary 2023, but people can submit respon­ses at any time, we will be moni­to­ring and updating the results of the survey in the months to come.

Go to the survey (in English) 

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