After the national elections in 2019, it became clear that the Swiss abroad are connected to Switzerland on the basis of values that go beyond the traditional right-left division. The Organization of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation therefore commissioned gfs.bern to investigate whether this bond also leads to a commitment to society.
Transparency and solidarity
The survey shows that almost all Swiss abroad donate. Only six per cent have never donated at all in the past three years. On the other hand, more than half stated that they donate regularly. On average, the Swiss abroad donated between CHF 50 and CHF 499 each to two organisations. Three quarters of respondents consider philanthropy to be important. However, only new percent include a donation to an organisation in their will. In addition to solidarity, it is above all transparency that motivates people to donate. Knowing what happens with the donation is essential for the Swiss abroad. According to the Donation Report 2022, this also applies to people living in Switzerland. Conversely, the lack of certainty as to whether a donation will be put to good use is the main reason for refraining from donating. The Swiss abroad donate primarily to the fight against poverty and for social projects, humanitarian measures and development aid. Two thirds donate in their country of residence. Only ten per cent donate in Switzerland.
From 26 June to 26 July 2023, 2583 respondents took part in the digital survey.
To the analysis (German)