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How foundations are shaping the future of their funding campaigns and entering into new forms of cooperation

Dear reader,

We were also hit hard when the pande­mic brought society to a radi­cal halt two years ago. We had to post­pone the publi­ca­tion date of the second issue in 2020. The world seemed to turn more slowly. But despite this, certain deve­lo­p­ments have picked up incre­di­ble speed since then: digi­ta­li­sa­tion has greatly chan­ged many proces­ses and ways of working. 

The chari­ta­ble sector is also affec­ted by these chan­ges, on many levels. In this issue, we show how a wide variety of foun­da­ti­ons are prepa­ring them­sel­ves for the future during this period of change – how they are using new models to tackle the urgent chal­lenges facing our society, as well as how they are deve­lo­ping their support acti­vi­ties and their inter­nal func­tions. It is inte­res­t­ing to observe the simi­la­ri­ties and where the diffe­rent foun­da­ti­ons are taking diffe­rent approa­ches. Can for-profit and non-profit work toge­ther? Or, rather, to what extent should the popu­la­tion be inte­gra­ted into the allo­ca­tion of funding in a parti­ci­pa­tory process?

In sear­ching for the phil­an­thropy of the future, it beco­mes appa­rent that there are also diffe­rent views about the phil­an­thropy of today. This diver­sity is both exci­ting and enri­ching, if we use it as moti­va­tion to exch­ange views through open dialogue. 

I hope that you get some inspi­ring insights reading this issue. 

Dr. Peter Buss

Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

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