What do New York City and Geneva have in common? Both cities are home to the greatest number of international organisations worldwide. For example, Geneva is home to the United Nations (UN), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). These internationally active and renowned organisations have an influence on the foundation sector, one which is rapidly evolving in a world that is increasingly more complex. Geneva offers the ideal environment for this, and the University of Geneva makes a significant contribution to it. It places special focus on the philanthropic sector. The university has developed a study programme titled ‘Strategic and Operational Philanthropy Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)’, and ran it for the first time last September. Martina van Berkel, graduate of the programme, says: ‘I learnt the principles and strategic key elements for building and leading a professional philanthropic organisation. I also had a lightbulb moment, as many best practices (such as diversity and project selection) also apply to other industries.’ Martina van Berkel has been working as a project manager at UBS in the Digital Platforms & Marketplaces department for almost two years now. As a former top athlete (Olympic Games 2012 and 2016, swimming events ), she is now co-president of the Swiss Olympic Athletes Commission and was also recently on the Swiss Olympic Executive Council.
In September 2022, the programme will run for the second time. Those interested can register via email at philanthropy-gsem@unige.ch.