Velux Stif­tung: call for propo­sals for forestry programme

Velux Stiftung’s new programme aims to promote sustainable forestry by support­ing solu­tion-orien­ted rese­arch based on inter­ac­tion between science and prac­ti­tio­ners. Through the programme, the foun­da­tion hopes to increase aware­ness of the value of forests and foster a change of perspec­tive. Society needs to be confron­ted with pres­sing issues such as sustainable forestry manage­ment, climate change, biodi­ver­sity and wood as a resource. Nearly one third of the planet’s land surface is covered with forests. And those forests play a crucial role in miti­ga­ting climate change, storing carbon dioxide and provi­ding our society with timber, food and medi­cine. They also provide a habi­tat for plants and animals and serve as important spaces where people can enjoy nature.

Velux Stif­tung writes: Wood has a lower envi­ron­men­tal impact than many alter­na­tive mate­ri­als and the incre­asing use of forest products can reduce the carbon foot­print. The orga­ni­sa­tion is ther­e­fore calling for propo­sals for its new ‘Forestry’ funding programme.

The programme will conti­nue until 2026, and there will be a call for project propo­sals every year. The first dead­line is 19 Septem­ber 2022. The foun­da­tion is looking for inno­va­tive, inter­di­sci­pli­nary, imple­men­ta­tion- or trans­fer-orien­ted rese­arch projects. Find out more at

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