Funding neigh­bour­hood projects

The Gott­lieb Dutt­wei­ler Insti­tute GDI has published Switzerland’s first neigh­bour­hood study, based on rese­arch commis­sio­ned by the Migros Culture Percen­tage. It shows how people in Switz­er­land live with and along­side one another, what expec­ta­ti­ons and wishes they have and how these differ from reality. The study also shows that people in French-spea­king Switz­er­land and in Ticino have a broa­der inter­pre­ta­tion of ‘neigh­bour­hood’ than those in German-spea­king Switz­er­land. The coro­na­vi­rus pande­mic had little effect on neigh­bour­hood rela­ti­ons. Howe­ver, it showed that neigh­bours can estab­lish closer ties in chal­len­ging times. In gene­ral, people in Switz­er­land tend to have a some­what distant rela­ti­onship with their neigh­bours. Howe­ver, they also appear to be incli­ned to trust them. The results of the study prompted Migros Commit­ment to launch the Neigh­bour­hood Hero initia­tive and support neigh­bours’ local commu­nity projects. In Octo­ber 2022 Migros Commit­ment will call for propo­sals for larger-scale projects, for which funding of up to CHF 50,000 will be available. To read an inter­view with Karin Frick, co-author of the study, go to: Ein Inter­view mit Karin Frick, der Co-Autorin der Studie, ist online verfüg­bar.

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