Achieve more together

Child­ren seeking asylum have often seen horri­fic sights, whether in their coun­try of origin or as they were flee­ing – or they have been victims of violence, abuse and neglect them­sel­ves,’ says Lea Bach­mann, Direc­tor of Part­ner­ships at Save the Child­ren Switz­er­land. This aid orga­ni­sa­tion focu­ses on children’s rights. ‘In many cases, the parents or guar­di­ans of the child­ren in ques­tion also have to work through trau­ma­tic expe­ri­en­ces them­sel­ves,’ she says. As a result, these child­ren need age-appro­priate care, but this is often not available. This is where Save the Child­ren comes in, with their ‘Protect and Support Refu­gee Child­ren in Switz­er­land’ project. Offe­ring support to child­ren and their parents makes it more likely that they will be able to shape their own lives. In addi­tion to provi­ding expert advice about asylum, Save the Child­ren also offers prac­ti­cal guides rela­ting to play­ing and lear­ning, while making the gene­ral popu­la­tion more aware of the needs of refu­gee child­ren. The project is supported by various charities. 

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