Gemma Bull advocates a modern method of allocation of funding based on the five values humility, equity, evidence, service and...
Scott C. Miller arrived as the US Ambassador to Switzerland in January 2022. Prior to taking up this role, he...
When Anita Winter heard that half of Holocaust survivors worldwide now lived in poverty, she decided to act. With the...
The call for participants has been open since the end of September 2022 and has started to bear fruit, with...
Diverse teams can help foundations’ work have a greater impact. Lots of boards of trustees choose their own members, which...
Stiftung Stonewall has been supporting projects and issues relating to LGBTQ people for more than 30 years. It was founded...
Global crises, whether the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, droughts and uncertainties about energy supply, are currently posing challenges for...
Dear reader, Philanthropy, in its literal sense, ought to have a very comfortable, nay, superb relationship with diversity: if you...
Consumer prices have been on the rise for more than a year and have now reached record heights. This unusually...
Foundation boards reflect many of the inequalities in our society. At the same time, board members note significant diversity at...