Die Stiftung Wisli bietet vielfältige Arbeitsangebote.

Stif­tung Wisli is going digital.

Speedy, intuitive processes


The pande­mic has placed Stif­tung Wisli and its finan­ces under pres­sure – with the foun­da­tion now reli­ant on dona­ti­ons. It has adapted to donors’ chan­ged needs and is now offe­ring people the oppor­tu­nity to donate digitally.

‘Major chan­ges can pose substan­tial chal­lenges to the perso­nal progress made by people with psycho­lo­gi­cal impairm­ents,’ says Stif­tung Wisli’s Mana­ging Direc­tor, Martin Bieber. He adds: ‘There’s no doubt that the coro­na­vi­rus pande­mic presen­ted a major change.’ This chari­ta­ble foun­da­tion works to support people with psycho­lo­gi­cal impairm­ents, offe­ring them a safe place to live via various opti­ons across six resi­den­tial homes in Bülach and Opfi­kon. In addi­tion, it offers daily struc­ture for 250 people in terms of employ­ment. Its modu­lar work­place inte­gra­tion programme enables people with psycho­lo­gi­cal impairm­ents to step back into the world of work and supports them in doing so. That said, COVID-19 has posed an addi­tio­nal chall­enge to all its opera­ti­ons. ‘Stif­tung Wisli has done, and conti­nues to do, ever­y­thing in its power to support people through change and assist their reco­very via a part­ner­ship of equals.’

Donate digi­tally – it’s easy, thanks to StiftungSchweiz.

Die Finan­zie­rung des Ange­bots übernehmen Leis­tungs­ver­trags­part­ner. Aber nicht alles ist gedeckt.
Insbe­son­dere die Situa­tion im Jahr 2020 führte zu einem zusätz­li­chen Finan­zie­rungs­be­darf von
1,5 Millio­nen Fran­ken. Hierzu ist die Stif­tung auf Spen­den ange­wie­sen. Um auf die verän­der­ten
Gewohn­hei­ten und Bedürfnisse der Spen­den­den einzu­ge­hen, bietet die Stif­tung seit diesem Sommer
die Möglich­keit, online zu spenden. 

Martin Bieber, direc­tor of the foundation

Its service part­ners finance its offer, but not ever­y­thing is covered. The situa­tion in 2020 in parti­cu­lar led to a funding short­fall of CHF 1.5 million, with the foun­da­tion depen­dant on dona­ti­ons to plug the gap. In order to respond to donors’ chan­ged habits and needs, the foun­da­tion has offe­red the oppor­tu­nity to donate online since this summer. ‘As with the care and support of our clients, we also have to align with donors’ needs when it comes to fund­rai­sing,’ says Bieber. ‘Today’s new, young donors are looking for easy opti­ons. There should to be as little time as possi­ble between the decis­ion to make a dona­tion and the execu­tion: the process must be intui­tive and straight­for­ward.’ In order to put this into prac­tice, Stif­tung Wisli has inte­gra­ted StiftungSchweiz’s ‘donate’ button into its website. Bieber says: ‘The donate button is a simple, cheap and forward-looking option.’ But not only tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ments are chan­ging donors’ beha­viour. Bieber explains that the institution’s regio­na­lity, the sustainable nature of its work and the tangi­ble purpose of dona­ting are central to successful fund­rai­sing. Thus, even smal­ler insti­tu­ti­ons can be successful: ‘But it takes both courage and confi­dence to be visi­ble and veri­fia­ble in your work.’


Donate digi­tally using the donate button from StiftungSchweiz

Even older gene­ra­ti­ons are incre­asingly making
digi­tal dona­ti­ons. It’s not only easy and prac­ti­cal, but also secure.

Donate digi­tally in 5 steps. It›s this easy:

  1. Click on the ‘donate’ button
    Directly on Stif­tung Wisli’s website
  2. Click on ‘donate now’
    The donate button is linked to the foundation’s profile on stiftungsschweiz.ch.
  3. Select the amount and payment method
    TWINT is also available for even faster payment processing.
  4. Nearly there:
    Here, you can regis­ter for the news­let­ter, request a receipt for your dona­tion or choose the ‘donate anony­mously’ option.
  5. That’s it! It’s taken barely a minute to make your dona­tion – easily and secu­rely.
    If you wish, add a comment to your dona­tion or use the ‘make a regu­lar dona­tion’ option.

Learn more about our offe­ring and digi­tal fundraising.


StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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