In a world with everchanging technological advancements and increasing complexity, it is crucial to grant access to the essential principles...
119 results for
Das Coronavirus breitet sich aus und zwingt uns, unser Leben und unseren alltäglichen Umgang miteinander neu zu organisieren. Wir sorgen...
How do inclusive and collaborative approaches belong together? Is one possible without the other? It is my strong belief that only...
What motivated you to get involved in philanthropy? Peter Wuffli: I was interested in globalisation from a young age and...
You have many years of experience in international development work. Has the collaboration between the various stakeholders evolved and is...
A multitude of players are involved in the impact investing market. Its great diversity is one of the key findings...
Everyone is talking about entrepreneurship that is suitable for generations to come and offers the economy, society and the planet...
Through Oorja, you offer services to farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India, including the irrigation of fields with solar pumps. You...
A traditional grant-giving foundation is limited to two roles: investing on the one hand, and generating impact on the other....
Impact investing is more than just a form of investing. It challenges philanthropy’s traditional one-directional flow of wealth. It disrupts...
Transparency Increases Trust Katja Schönenberger, you have only been the managing director of SwissFoundations for half a year and were thus...
Even though digitalisation brings us many conveniences, digital transformation is not something that comes for free. StiftungSchweiz carefully accompanies you...