Support the Covid-19 Fund hosted by SWISS PHILANTHROPY FOUNDATION

SWISS PHILANTHROPY Foun­da­tion. We are all affec­ted by the growing COVID-19 outbreak. It’s an unpre­ce­den­ted health chall­enge and we know people and orga­niza­ti­ons ever­y­where want to help. The World Health Orga­niza­tion is leading and coor­di­na­ting the global effort, support­ing count­ries to prevent, detect, and respond to the outbreak.

The grea­test need right now is to help the most vulnerable people in count­ries with the weak­est health systems. Dona­ti­ons support work to track and under­stand the spread of the virus, to ensure pati­ents get the care they need and front­line workers get essen­tial supplies and infor­ma­tion, and to acce­le­rate efforts to deve­lop vacci­nes, tests and treatments.

The WHO laun­ched the first and only pooled fund for indi­vi­du­als, busi­nesses, and orga­niza­ti­ons to contri­bute to the global COVID-19 response. The COVID-19 Soli­da­rity Response Fund will bols­ter global efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to the growing novel coro­na­vi­rus outbreak.

To expand the global network of donors WHO part­ne­red with two chari­ta­ble foun­da­ti­ons: The United Nati­ons Foun­da­tion and Swiss Phil­an­thropy Foun­da­tion. These two foun­da­ti­ons will receive dona­ted funds, which will then be used by the World Health Orga­niza­tion and part­ners to support count­ries accor­ding to the COVID-19 Stra­te­gic Prepared­ness and Response Plan.

In addi­tion, the Trans­na­tio­nal Giving Europe Network, of which Swiss Phil­an­thropy Foun­da­tion is the Swiss repre­sen­ta­tive, will faci­li­tate dona­ti­ons across Europe.

To make a dona­tion, please use the follo­wing bank details:

How to donate? Visit the website of Swiss Phil­an­thropy Foundation

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