Philanthropy’s response to the coro­na­vi­rus pandemic

Candid gets you the infor­ma­tion you need to do good. That’s why we crea­ted this pop-up webpage to share the phil­an­thro­pic response to the novel coro­na­vi­rus (COVID-19) pande­mic. Knowing where money is going and how, and having the latest infor­ma­tion from orga­niza­ti­ons, faci­li­ta­tes thoughtful colla­bo­ra­tion and decis­ion-making in times of crisis. 

The page updates auto­ma­ti­cally as data and news are added to our data­base. The data is deri­ved from news artic­les and other sources, and funders who directly share their funding data with us. We code the data accor­ding to our taxo­nomy. The news section pulls from 300,000 source artic­les that we regu­larly scan for rele­vant infor­ma­tion. Check back regu­larly for updates. 

Visit this free disas­ter funding map to track giving to disas­ters, inclu­ding coro­na­vi­rus. The Center for Disas­ter Phil­an­thropy also has seve­ral resour­ces that can help funders be effec­tive in their response to this crisis.

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