Women in philanthropy

The impact of the third sector on gender equality

Dear reader,

The world is seeing more female empower­ment. Switz­er­land is cele­bra­ting the 50th anni­ver­sary of women’s suffrage, and the USA has just elec­ted its first ever female vice presi­dent. A lot has chan­ged in my family circle over the last two or three gene­ra­ti­ons, too. While my grand­mo­thers were denied basic schoo­ling, my daugh­ters were given a top-quality educa­tion as a matter of course, and have gone on to combine work and family life with huge dedi­ca­tion and commit­ment. But we cannot take these achie­ve­ments for gran­ted. Women are requi­red to fight for them on a daily basis. Although we are on the right track, we are still a long way from the finish line.

This applies in the charity sector, too. A glance at the sector’s manage­ment commit­tees is enough to show that we have a long way still to go. There are some chari­ties, big and small, howe­ver, who have done amazing work in terms of gender equality, and who want to help change our society through their initia­ti­ves. This should give us hope. We have dedi­ca­ted this issue to women who act as patrons or phil­an­thro­pists and want to effect social change, and to chari­ties commit­ted to promo­ting women’s issues. The work they do makes one thing clear: these chan­ges are here to stay. And that
is a good thing.

I hope that you enjoy reading this issue.

Dr. Peter Buss

Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

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