The beta version of StiftungSchweiz’s data mission statement

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Data can be irrele­vant or meaningful. It can be trea­ted negli­gently or protec­ted with the grea­test care. It adds value but also has the poten­tial to do serious damage, whether to the people it rela­tes to (and whose privacy rights are viola­ted) or those who have made it available (and whose repu­ta­tion suffers). And, not least, data is asso­cia­ted with a value that increa­ses as this data beco­mes more complete and more useful.

At StiftungSchweiz, we want to air these ques­ti­ons trans­par­ently. Our data mission state­ment is a set of ethi­cal guide­lines. By exten­sion, it serves as a funda­men­tal addi­tion to our privacy policy. It clari­fies whether we use data for ever­y­thing that’s legally permis­si­ble and could conceiv­a­bly be possible, 

or whether we deli­bera­tely impose limits on ourselves. 

The beta version of our data mission state­ment has been drawn up in stages over the past few months. Martin Stei­ger, an expert in law in the digi­tal space, assis­ted us during this process (see Advice, p. 26). The outcome has not yet been fina­li­sed. Now, it’s your turn. Do you think the current version is ground-brea­king or feeble? Where would you start? 

Join the discus­sion and share your ques­ti­ons, comm­ents or sugges­ti­ons directly on the colla­bo­ra­tion plat­form Miro


At StiftungSchweiz, we diffe­ren­tiate between four cate­go­ries of data, depen­ding on the data’s proper­ties and level of sensitivity.

  1. Data on orga­ni­sa­ti­ons that is publicly acces­si­ble by law.
  2. Data made public by its owners.
  3. Non-public data that is entrus­ted to us so we can gene­rate added value for philanthropy.
  4. Data we coll­ect and evaluate oursel­ves with the aim of giving our users the best possi­ble user expe­ri­ence and provi­ding services that meet their needs.


We store our data on servers in Western Europe and exceed the mini­mum data protec­tion stan­dards where­ver possible.

  1. Cate­gory A, B and C data is solely saved on trust­wor­thy servers in Western Europe that comply with strin­gent secu­rity requirements.
  2. Third-party provi­ders that store and process cate­gory D data on our behalf are reviewed regu­larly and mini­mise the amount of data exported.
  3. Our privacy policy conta­ins trans­pa­rent infor­ma­tion on how we store and process perso­nal data.
  4. All proces­ses and tran­sac­tions on our plat­form are opti­mi­zed accor­ding to the highest secu­rity stan­dards to offer you a secure dona­tion opportunity.


We use sensi­tive data carefully and exclu­si­vely as part of services we perform ourselves.

  1. We believe that every use of cate­gory B and C data must gene­rate visi­ble added value for philanthropy.
  2. Cate­gory C and D data can only be viewed by regis­tered users and is neither disc­lo­sed nor sold as stan­da­lone data.


We provide data in aggre­ga­ted, anony­mi­sed or pseud­ony­mi­sed form for rese­arch and statis­tics purposes.

  1. The aggre­ga­tion, anony­mi­sa­tion or pseud­ony­mi­sa­tion process is super­vi­sed by an exter­nal specia­list body.
  2. In the future, it is possi­ble that an open data plat­form may be opera­ted in colla­bo­ra­tion with our rese­arch partners.


If we change this mission state­ment, our part­ners and users have a right to object.

  1. We publish any chan­ges to this data mission state­ment on our chan­nels and grant all part­ners and regis­tered users a right to object.
  2. This right is also listed in contracts and our Ts & Cs.
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