A consortium of eight grant giving foundations has had a stake in StiftungSchweiz for a year now. This commitment reflects...
Participation entails actively integrating employees into the decision-making process, be it in team meetings, with surveys, via involvement in projects...
Anti-democratic developments are making headlines around the world. Social cohesion constantly needs to be reestablished. Without wishing to detract from...
Ting is all about redistribution: people who can afford to do so give money to people who have need of...
Switzerland’s Wunderland Foundation is characterised by all kinds of collaboration at various levels. The groundwork for the foundation’s ecosystem was...
Pascale, why is digitalisation so important for the sector? As a grant giving foundation, we want to do good –...
Funding is shaped by a power imbalance: one side has resources and expectations, while the other needs support and is...
You have worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and as founding director at Giving Pledge: why did you...
When different nonprofit organisations collaborate, their aim is usually to strengthen their impact and find a more effective way of...
Our society needs to change if we’re going to have any chance of tackling challenges such as global warming and...
The curtain rises, and the stars are centre stage in the spotlight. They are showered with applause and publicity. The...