Stories of humanity

What people at foundations do for their fellow human beings

Dear readers,

Even the best social safety net is still full of holes. As we know, despite the wide range of support available, a large number of people still fall through the some­ti­mes quite loosely woven net of private provi­sion and state welfare. Foun­da­ti­ons have noti­ced this too. Their achie­ve­ments here are formi­da­ble – they react with flexi­bi­lity, agility and effi­ci­ency. They can also delve into indi­vi­dual cases for which the autho­ri­ties and private busi­nesses have no proce­du­res or concepts in place. Over the past two years in parti­cu­lar, we have seen this very clearly. There were many indi­vi­dual cases where foun­da­ti­ons step­ped into the breach, where help from else­where would have arri­ved too late, or not at all. Their comple­men­tary services render our social welfare safety net much more effective.

Refu­gees are parti­cu­larly vulnerable. They become, comple­tely invol­un­t­a­rily, depen­dent on the support of stran­gers. The UN High Commis­sio­ner for Refu­gees, Filippo Grandi, talks to THE PHILANTHROPIST in an exclu­sive inter­view about the unbe­lie­va­ble number of 82 million displa­ced people worldwide.

In this issue, you can read about the diverse array of projects in our society to combat poverty as well as support child­ren and culture. Let yours­elf be inspi­red by what people can achieve for others. No Christ­mas stories. Just tales of life and stan­ding toge­ther in an extra­or­di­nary time.

I wish you happy holi­days and all the best for 2022.

Dr. Peter Buss
Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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