
The Zurich Spen­den­par­la­ment is 15 years old. It takes place twice a year, in spring and autumn, and is based in Zurich City Hall on the Limmat. The non-profit orga­ni­sa­tion Spen­den­par­la­ment was foun­ded by Pastor Chris­toph Sigrist, who today is presi­dent of the asso­cia­tion. The Spen­den­par­la­ment mainly supports projects that contri­bute to the inte­gra­tion of people in the city of Zurich. The next debate is sche­du­led for 9 June 2022. Then the asso­cia­tion members will have their say and demo­cra­ti­cally decide which of the submit­ted projects will receive aid from the available dona­ti­ons and the amount. The guest spea­ker will be Hussein Huss­eini, who grew up in nort­hern Afgha­ni­stan. He will intro­duce his book Die Über­fahrt (The Crossing), which is about his expe­ri­en­ces on his jour­ney, which finally ended in Meilen, Switz­er­land. www.spendenparlament.ch/parlament

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