The CAS Operational Philanthropy starts in January 2023; the module entitled ‘Interacting with regional philanthropic realities’ will take a fresh look at philanthropy and development from a local, non-western perspective. The CAS module will shed light on the decolonisation of philanthropy. In order to successfully and ethically develop projects across borders and cultures, philanthropic organisations must build solid relationships with local grassroots movements and/or local NGOs. The module will focus on strategies to involve local bodies in organisational project planning and analysis and anticipation of possible unintended consequences. It will also address the current debate on the legitimacy of philanthropy, which leads to well-intentioned, but poorly planned cross-border philanthropic initiatives. Gul Rukh Rahman, director of the Empower Families for Innovative Philanthropy Foundation (ERFIP) and speaker at the module, says in an online interview with The Philanthropist: ‘There is nothing intrinsically wrong with global philanthropy. However, it is highly worrying that all decisions are made in countries other than the recipient community or country.’ She talks about the north-south divide, parachute philanthropy, global philanthropy and the dependency culture.