‘Stories of huma­nity’ Edition 4/2021

CHF 15.00

‘Stories of humanity’

What people at foundations do for their fellow human beings.

82 million people are currently refugees. Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, talks to The Philanthropist in an exclusive interview about this unbe­lievable number. Among a population of 7,8 billion people, it ‘only’ comes to one percent. But isn’t that one percent too much?

Refugees are in a particularly exposed position. They become, completely involuntarily, dependent on the support of strangers. But it’s not just refugees who experience this. For example, in Switzerland, there are many people who fall through the net of private provision and state welfare – for entirely different reasons. Foundations recognise this and help in an agile and efficient way. They can also help with isolated cases for which the authorities and private businesses have no procedures or concepts in place. In this issue of our magazine, you can read about the diverse array of projects in our society to combat poverty as well as support children and culture. Be inspired by what people can achieve for others. No Christmas stories, just tales of life and standing together in
an extraordinary time that are appropriate for this time of the year.


The Philanthropist maga­zine devo­tes around 40 pages to a chan­ging topic with a focus on prac­ti­cal foun­da­tion work.

Various aspects of the topic are high­ligh­ted in specia­list artic­les, inter­views with experts, back­ground reports and features. Recur­ring formats and sections with a strong service aspect — a guide, an agenda or news from the foun­da­ti­ons — round off the content. The “number” format, which is commen­ted on, further enhan­ces the content.

in short: look forward to profound reading and conversation!

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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