«Effec­tive on multi­ple levels» Single issue 3/2020

CHF 15.00

«Effective on multiple levels»

The Philanthropist magazine devotes around 40 pages to the main topic «Effective on multiple levels» - The world of charitable foundations, big and small.
Various aspects of the topic are highlighted in specialist articles, interviews with experts, background reports and features. Recurring formats and sections with a strong service aspect - a guide, an agenda or news from the foundations - round off the content. The "number" format, which is commented on, further enhances the content.

in short: look forward to profound reading and conversation!


«Effec­tive on multi­ple levels»

The world of chari­ta­ble foun­da­ti­ons, big and small

The third issue of 2020 focu­ses on a major strength of the chari­ta­ble sector: its diver­sity. Chari­ties both large and small effect change on multi­ple fronts. Some chari­ties are dedi­ca­ted to a very speci­fi­cally defi­ned purpose. Some increase their impact by augmen­ting their diffe­rent exper­tise through other resour­ces within the charita-ble, private and state sectors.

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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