Foto: Anna /

Phäno­mena 2026: Lear­ning with all your senses

Phänomena is back! The spectacular science-based exhibition that once took place on the shores of Lake Zürich back in 1984, has returned. For those who remember stepping into the discovery world decades ago, will vividly remember the bicycle on a tightrope, the shoreside Piano, and the iconic bamboo buildings. In 2026, the launch of the new Phänomena will address today’s challenges and important topics with the goal of always promoting equal access and opportunity to education.


In a world with ever­chan­ging tech­no­lo­gi­cal advance­ments and incre­asing comple­xity, it is crucial to grant access to the essen­tial prin­ci­ples of science, regard­less of their level of educa­tion or back­ground. This is exactly where Phäno­mena comes in, by offe­ring the public exci­ting science-based lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties in an under­stan­da­ble and hands-on expe­ri­ence; to inspire all of Switz­er­land and its nearby countries.

Sustainable know­ledge for the gene­ra­ti­ons of tomorrow

From an educa­tio­nal stand­point, Phäno­mena is here to show each and every one of us how we can make respon­si­ble decis­i­ons with the limi­ted resour­ces our earth has to offer. From March to Octo­ber 2026, in colla­bo­ra­tion with various univer­si­ties, tech­ni­cal colleges, and inno­va­tive compa­nies, Phäno­mena will take visi­tors on a jour­ney through the laws of nature, fasci­na­ting pheno­me­non, and complex inter­re­la­ti­onships to life on Earth in multi­face­ted ways. With inter­ac­tive exhi­bits, expe­ri­ments, and work­shops as well as a digi­tal know­ledge plat­form; the topics of biodi­ver­sity, climate, energy, mobi­lity, physics and chemis­try, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and robo­tics, and lastly outer space will all be speci­fi­cally presen­ted without being too instruc­tive or complicated.

“To make ratio­nal decis­i­ons in life and at the ballot box, to distin­gu­ish half-truths from evidence-based findings and to shape our future in a way that is worth living, basic scien­ti­fic know­ledge is indis­pensable,” says Urs Müller, Gene­ral Direc­tor of Phäno­mena, with convic­tion. “The aim is to raise people’s aware­ness of pres­sing social issues and provide new impe­tus for solutions.”

Phäno­mena is here to close the gaps and bridge the connec­tion between science and the public while support­ing a cons­truc­tive dialo­gue within these topics. Phäno­mena will be more than just Switzerland’s biggest disco­very world, it will be a place for lasting expe­ri­en­ces, wonder, and amaze­ment for all ages, from child­ren to teens to adults. It will invite ever­yone to open their eyes for the wonders of the amazing world we live in.

Become a part of Phänomena

We ask you to join us in support­ing the educa­tion initia­ti­ves. Whether you are a company, foun­da­tion, or private donor, help us sustain these unique expe­ri­en­ces, which will have a lasting impact on the decis­ion-makers of tomor­row! Get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss ways that you can best make an impact and support us today.,

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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