, the Swiss Philanthropy platform

Market­place with tool kit

The new platform is now online. It covers every charity registered in Switzerland and provides plenty of supplementary information, too. Its range of services has been greatly expanded, with the aim of boosting transparency in the charitable sector and encouraging dialogue between all its stakeholders.

The new plat­form offers a fully compre­hen­sive over­view of the phil­an­thro­pic land­scape in Switz­er­land, encom­pas­sing a total of 13,000 chari­ties. More than 6,000 project owners and 7,000 chari­ties support­ing exter­nal projects have their own pages on the site. The StiftungSchweiz team has crea­ted a web page for every orga­ni­sa­tion on the basis of the infor­ma­tion provi­ded in the commer­cial regis­ter, and the Nonpro­Cons cate­go­ri­sa­tion system for tradi­tio­nal foun­da­ti­ons is used to clas­sify every charity on a syste­ma­tic basis, so that the infor­ma­tion can be used effec­tively. This system covers six cate­go­ries with around 100 charac­te­ristics, inclu­ding the charity’s object, its target group and area of acti­vity or subject area. This cate­go­ri­sa­tion means that people can now find exactly what they’re looking for: what does a parti­cu­lar charity do for whom, and where and how do they do it? Every orga­ni­sa­tion (whether chari­ties or project owners) can add text, photos and videos to their micro­site as they wish. Selec­ted portraits of funding projects help to illus­trate the chari­ta­ble land­scape even further, while intro­duc­tory pages on parti­cu­lar topics encou­rage readers to get to grips with current issues. They reveal just what phil­an­thropy is capa­ble of in key areas of our society. The infor­ma­tion is arran­ged in a struc­tu­red way, which both crea­tes high levels of trans­pa­rency and makes it easier to match projects with funders. This exch­ange of infor­ma­tion enables chari­ties support­ing exter­nal projects to find funding part­ners they can colla­bo­rate with when support­ing large-scale projects.

Looking for a part­ner in the digi­tal sphere

The plat­form pairs projects with their perfect part­ner, effec­tively and effi­ci­ently. A project owner can under­take a targe­ted search to find chari­ties that are likely to finance their project, meaning that both sides bene­fit when they are matched up successfully. Chari­ties with funds to support third-party projects can regis­ter on the site to assist with this, laying out their funding objec­ti­ves on their website and commu­ni­ca­ting the exclu­sion crite­ria they have defi­ned. In turn, this helps the platform’s search func­tion. Its intel­li­gent approach means that funders only receive requests that align with their aims: if a project owner wants to send a charity a request that does not fit with its object, the system makes them aware of this.

Dona­ting made easy

Even small-scale donors can bene­fit from the plat­form, as makes it easy for them to seek out the perfect project or the opti­mum orga­ni­sa­tion. They can also search for a speci­fic topic: if you want to support species conser­va­tion, for exam­ple, a search will reveal 31 project owners in this area, so you can ensure your dona­tion is being used how you want it to be. Dona­ting via is easy, as it inte­gra­tes the payment app Twint, Apple Pay and other payment methods. 

Some­thing for everyone

The plat­form provi­des an over­view of job vacan­cies for people looking to work in the phil­an­thro­pic sector them­sel­ves, while services for events and sector reports add the finis­hing touches. It also has various service packa­ges that provide bespoke services for every target group. 

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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