A colla­bo­ra­tion with potential

Broadening content

The Philanthropist and Senior­web are ente­ring into a new part­ner­ship. They will start by colla­bo­ra­ting on content, deve­lo­ping artic­les rele­vant to readers of both portals that will then be published across both chan­nels. The part­ner­ship will allow both Senior­web and The Philanthropist to expand the range of topics they cover.

Jour­na­lism is rede­fi­ning itself. This change is driven by digi­ta­li­sa­tion. New formats, new chan­nels and new narra­tive forms are opening up new possi­bi­li­ties. But digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion comes with certain chal­lenges. Back in 1998, a group of older people reco­g­nised the incre­asing importance of elec­tro­nic media for the older gene­ra­tion, and laun­ched Senior­web in response. They deve­lo­ped the website seniorweb.ch, a plat­form that intro­du­ces the older gene­ra­tion to the internet.

Profes­sio­na­li­sa­tion around 15 years ago

Linus Baur joined Senior­web in 2007. Now aged 77, he still runs the edito­rial depart­ment today. ‘I was asked if I wanted to help make the edito­rial depart­ment more profes­sio­nal and improve the quality of the content,’ Baur recalls. 

‘I deve­lo­ped an edito­rial concept that met with gene­ral appr­oval, and was soon made head of the depart­ment.’ The edito­rial team is still made up of volun­teers, as it was back then. The depart­ment curr­ently consists of eleven members: five women and six men. Then there are around ten or twelve free­lance writers, most of whom have an edito­rial or jour­na­lism back­ground. Baur is plea­sed to have been able to main­tain an edito­rial team with a fairly good gender balance thus far.

Coro­na­vi­rus can’t stand in the way of this dedi­ca­ted team

Nothing has chan­ged since the coro­na­vi­rus pande­mic, stres­ses Linus Baur. The edito­rial team still meets every month – though this now takes place on Zoom, and the topics they choose have been adapted to the circum­s­tances. The team is very busy, publi­shing two to three online artic­les a day. In 2020, they published well over 800 artic­les on society, culture, life­style, health and digi­tal topics, as well as opinion pieces.

Broa­de­ning the variety of content through collaboration

‘The colla­bo­ra­tion will open up lots of new oppor­tu­ni­ties for The Philanthropist,’ enthu­ses Clau­dia Dutli, the magazine’s Publi­shing Director. 

‘In the course of the first meeting, it quickly became clear that we had a lot of cross­over,’ she states. ‘It’s defi­ni­tely a media part­ner­ship with poten­tial.’ ‘Our content is curr­ently some­what culture-heavy,’ reflects Linus Baur. His goal for 2021 is to broa­den the range of topics covered. He is confi­dent that they will achieve this aim, as they are in the process of growing the edito­rial team and staff. 


The project owner of seniorweb.ch is Pro Senior­web, which opera­tes Senior­web AG (Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors Anton Schal­ler). Senior­web is run by a manage­ment team made up of seven members. The charity has around 60 members of staff, all of whom are volun­teers.  The head office is loca­ted near the Stauf­fa­cher junc­tion in Zurich, and includes a trai­ning room for digi­tal topics. 
Further­more: Senior­web publishes a weekly news­let­ter with infor­ma­tion about the latest artic­les and offers at seniorweb.ch, which curr­ently has around 11,000 subscri­bers. It also co-publishes the quar­terly print maga­zine senio­rin, which has a circu­la­tion of around 17,000.

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