Foto: Ewan Robertson, unsplash

In brief

The Stif­tung Evan­ge­li­sche Gesell­schaft in the canton of Zurich supports the Malaika inte­gra­tion project, which provi­des inter­cul­tu­ral thea­tri­cal and culinary experiences.

The Malaika inte­gra­tion project offers an unex­pec­ted combi­na­tion of inter­cul­tu­ral thea­tri­cal produc­tions and profes­sio­nal cate­ring. The project has been running for six years, and focu­ses on foste­ring early inte­gra­tion among refu­gees who are not yet eligi­ble to parti­ci­pate in the usual inte­gra­tion projects. Refu­gees are thus able to meet and inter­act with local resi­dents and get to know Swiss culture for the first time, which helps them get to grips with local customs much faster and more easily.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Gutes_fuer_Bauch_und_Seele_high-770x641.jpg

Encoun­ters in the kitchen and profes­sio­nal cate­ring business

[TEXT] A profes­sio­nal cate­ring service offe­ring cuisine from ten diffe­rent count­ries was meant to launch in Septem­ber 2020. This was post­po­ned due to the coro­na­vi­rus crisis, howe­ver. Cooking toge­ther leads to natu­ral inte­gra­tion. In prepa­ring dishes from their home count­ries, the refu­gees have the oppor­tu­nity to share part of their culture. The cate­ring service also offers pre-study intern­ships and inte­gra­tion job opportunities.

Theatre brings joy to all

Thea­tri­cal perfor­man­ces offer a wonderful oppor­tu­nity to cele­brate shared success. Performing a play provi­des plenty of oppor­tu­nity for inter­ac­tion and demands a great deal of trai­ning and disci­pline. Theatre produc­tions are rehe­ar­sed on an annual basis and perfor­med in German-spea­king Switz­er­land at the Thea­ter Spek­ta­kel Zurich, the Bern­hard Thea­ter and Schau­spiel­haus Zürich.

You can find more infor­ma­tion at:

To find out more about the Foun­da­tion of the Protes­tant Society of the Canton of Zurich, visit

Peer-to-peer trai­ning for form­erly home­l­ess city guides affec­ted by poverty

The ‘Inter­na­tio­nal Network of Social Tours’ (INST) is an inter­na­tio­nal umbrella orga­ni­sa­tion that was estab­lished in 2019. Along­side its presi­dent Paola Gallo, its foun­ding members include provi­ders from Basel (Surprise), Vienna (Super­tramp), Edin­burgh (Invi­si­ble Cities) and Athens (Invi­si­ble Tours). It offers support to orga­ni­sa­ti­ons that provide soci­ally orien­ted walking tours, and a pilot project has now seen INST orga­nise its first peer-to-peer trai­ning session for city guides, provi­ding them with rein­force­ment in their role as experts. 

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Kurz_informiert-Peer-Weiterbildung_high-770x605.jpg

Making poverty visible

Across cities, the social-minded tours take atten­dees to hidden loca­ti­ons where home­l­ess people can (and cannot) spend the night, with form­erly home­l­ess people show­ing where food, clot­hing or advice are available free of charge. Over the course of the two-hour tour through their city, whether Athens, Basel, Zurich, Edin­burgh, Vienna, Glas­gow or other loca­ti­ons, guides make poverty, home­l­ess­ness and exclu­sion visi­ble. The city guides tell perso­nal stories rela­ting to their day-to-day lives on the streets.

More infor­ma­tion is available via: Become a member or give a gift that does good: a voucher for a city tour

Markus, city guide with Surprise Basel
‘On the tours, I expe­ri­ence a lot of respect and esteem. I feel inte­gra­ted and accepted in society again.’

proFonds: Schwei­zer Stif­tungs­tag 2020, live from Villa Bleuler

The Schwei­zer Stif­tungs­tag will take place on Friday, 20 Novem­ber. The event will be held virtually due to coro­na­vi­rus. The Stif­tungs­tag is orga­nised by proFonds, the umbrella asso­cia­tion for Swiss chari­ties, and will focus on the coro­na­vi­rus crisis. A large portion of the programme will be dedi­ca­ted to the topic of ‘Chari­ta­ble work under diffi­cult circum­s­tances: foundations/NGOs defy coro­na­vi­rus’. Fede­ral Coun­cil­lor Ueli Maurer will give the opening address and Dr Peter Buss, CEO of StiftungSchweiz, will give a talk on ‘Chari­ta­ble acti­vi­ties in the era of digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion’. Parti­ci­pants will attend remo­tely via live stream. 

More infor­ma­tion

Impact inves­t­ing – a new guide

Impact invest­ments are invest­ments that support a chari­ta­ble foundation’s aims. How do they work? The Alter­na­tive Bank Switz­er­land (ABS) and the Center for Phil­an­thropy Studies (CEPS) have published a guide for foun­da­ti­ons. It is aimed at trus­tees, foun­da­tion execu­ti­ves and consul­tants. The guide can be down­loa­ded free of charge at

Search for trus­tees, search for mandates

Boards of trus­tees need a diverse skill mix. It is not always easy for them to find the right person for a vacancy. A new online plat­form helps non-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons find their perfect candi­date and allows would-be trus­tees to create a profile and connect with an insti­tu­tion that is looking for their skill set.

The growing divide

The Gilded Giving 2020 report by the Insti­tute for Policy Studies concludes that incre­asing wealth inequa­lity is distort­ing the chari­ta­ble giving sector. The combi­ned wealth of the 62 billionaires who signed the ‘Giving Pledge’ in 2010 has almost doubled since. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett laun­ched the ‘Giving Pledge’ campaign to encou­rage the world’s wealt­hiest indi­vi­du­als to contri­bute to phil­an­thro­pic causes.

Aid for Beirut

Beirut was rocked by a devas­ta­ting explo­sion on 4 August. Cari­tas Switz­er­land, along with its part­ner orga­ni­sa­tion Cari­tas Leba­non, is provi­ding emer­gency aid and has set aside a million Swiss francs for the relief effort.

New Direc­tor of Conti­nuing Education

On 1 July 2020 Phil­ipp Erpf took up the post of Direc­tor of Conti­nuing Educa­tion at the Insti­tute for the Manage­ment of Asso­cia­ti­ons, Foun­da­ti­ons and Co-opera­ti­ves at the Univer­sity of Frei­burg. Follo­wing a two-year fami­lia­ri­sa­tion period, he succee­ded Hans Licht­stei­ner. Phil­ipp Erpf co-heads the insti­tute with Profes­sor Markus Gmür (Direc­tor of Research).

Reform of stock corpo­ra­tion law

The revi­si­ons to Swiss stock corpo­ra­tion law, recently appro­ved by parlia­ment, will affect non-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. proFonds, the umbrella asso­cia­tion for Swiss chari­ta­ble foun­da­ti­ons, issued a state­ment at the end of July, poin­ting out that the requi­re­ment to disc­lose the sala­ries of trus­tees will jeopar­dise many non-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons’ tax-exempt status.

Promo­ting pellets

The charity mycli­mate has laun­ched a subs­idy scheme for pellet heating systems. It is open to property owners in loca­ti­ons where there is no finan­cial support from natio­nal, canto­nal or local government.

Neue Gene­ral­se­kre­tä­rin des Bundes­ver­ban­des Deut­scher Stiftungen

Kirs­ten Hommel­hoff (43) wird neue Gene­ral­se­kre­tä­rin des Bundes­ver­ban­des Deut­scher Stif­tun­gen. Sie ist die erste Gene­ral­se­kre­tä­rin in der 72-jähri­gen Geschichte des Verban­des. Ihr Amt wird sie am 1. Septem­ber 2020 antre­ten. Der Bundes­ver­band Deut­scher Stif­tun­gen ist der grösste Stif­tungs­ver­band Euro­pas. Kirs­ten Hommel­hoff ist Juris­tin und hatte in den vergan­ge­nen knapp zehn Jahren verschie­dene Funk­tio­nen bei der Stif­tung Merca­tor inne. In den letz­ten fünf Jahren hat sie das Projekt Zentrum Berlin der Stif­tung Merca­tor geleitet. 

Der Schwei­zer Stif­tungs­re­port 2020

At the end of 2019, the Swiss charity sector compri­sed 13,293 chari­ta­ble foun­da­ti­ons. While 349 chari­ties were foun­ded, 216 under­went liqui­da­tion. The Schwei­zer Stif­tungs­re­port 2020 pres­ents a multi-face­ted picture of the charity sector. In addi­tion to the fami­liar form of perma­nent chari­ties, today there are new forms such as umbrella orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and non-perpe­tual trusts. Almost 70 percent of all chari­ta­ble foun­da­ti­ons have emer­ged in the last 30 years, and 43 percent of all envi­ron­men­tal chari­ties were foun­ded after 2010. When it comes to newly formed chari­ties compared with the total stock, there has been an increase in envi­ron­men­tal (12 percent) and poli­ti­cal and lobby­ing (5.4 percent) orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. The charity sector is assum­ing incre­asingly clear contours. The sector is beco­ming more visi­ble and forming inter­na­tio­nal networks. The effec­ti­ve­ness of these deve­lo­p­ments has been reflec­ted in the swift, straight­for­ward response to the current coro­na­vi­rus crisis.

The Schwei­zer Stif­tungs­re­port 2020 is the eleventh edition of the report. It is published on an annual basis by the Center for Phil­an­thropy Studies (CEPS) at the Univer­sity of Basel, Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons – the asso­cia­tion for Swiss chari­ties – and the Center for Foun­da­tion Law at the Univer­sity of Zurich.

Wegwei­ser für gute Betreu­ung im Alter

Sechs Stif­tun­gen lancie­ren gemein­sam, orga­ni­sa­to­risch unter­stützt durch Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons (SF), den «Wegwei­ser für gute Betreu­ung im Alter – Begriffs­klä­rung und Leit­li­nien». Die Fach­hoch­schule Nord­west­schweiz (FHNW) hat in ihrem Auftrag den Begriff «Betreu­ung im Alter» geklärt und die Anfor­de­run­gen an eine quali­ta­tiv hoch­wer­tige Umset­zung formu­liert. Gemäss SF verste­hen die betei­lig­ten Stif­tun­gen den Wegwei­ser als Beitrag für den Dialog rund um Betreu­ung und Pflege älte­rer Menschen. Es gelte, verbind­lich zu klären, was unter guter Betreu­ung zu verste­hen ist und wie Sozi­al­sys­tem und Insti­tu­tio­nen der Schweiz die Betreu­ung als Bestand­teil eines ganz­heit­lich gedach­ten Unter­stüt­zungs­ge­fü­ges älte­rer Menschen einbe­zie­hen können. Nur wenn auch Betreu­ung die gebüh­rende gesell­schaft­li­che Aner­ken­nung erhalte, könne die Schweiz den Menschen ein selbst­be­stimm­tes und gesun­des Älter­wer­den und die Teil­nahme an der Gesell­schaft ermöglichen.

Heraus­ge­bende Stiftungskooperation

Age-Stif­tung, Beis­heim Stif­tung, MBF Foun­da­tion, Migros-Kultur­pro­zent, Paul Schil­ler Stif­tung und Walder Stiftung

Für die heraus­ge­bende Stiftungskooperation 

Patri­zia Rezzoli, Beis­heim Stif­tung,
041 768 76 14, 

Maja Nagel, Paul Schil­ler Stif­tung,
044 796 42 23

Für das Forschungs­team der Fach­hoch­schule Nord­west­schweiz FHNW

Prof. Dr. Carlo Knöp­fel, 079 536 46 76,
Riccardo Pardini, 079 787 39 51,

Stif­ter Hans Schöpf­lin erhält den Deut­schen Stifterpreis

Der Deut­sche Stif­ter­preis wird vom Bundes­ver­band Deut­scher Stif­tun­gen verge­ben. Er wird seit 1994 jähr­lich verlie­hen. Hans Schöpf­lin (78) erhielt den Stif­ter­preis 2020 gemäss dem Bundes­ver­band Deut­scher Stif­tun­gen für seine uner­müd­li­che Suche nach gesell­schaft­li­chen Inno­va­tio­nen, seinen Mut zum Risiko sowie seinen uner­schüt­ter­li­chen Glau­ben an die Ideen und Initia­ti­ven junger Menschen, die die Gesell­schaft gerade durch die Zivil­ge­sell­schaft posi­tiv gestal­ten wollen.

Hans Schöpf­lin

Die neue Geschäfts­füh­re­rin von SwissFoundations

In diesen Tagen star­tet Fran­ziska Juch bei Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons als Geschäfts­füh­re­rin. Sie folgt auf Beate Eckhardt (siehe Inter­view Seite 24). Die 40-jährige Betriebs­wir­tin bringt einen gros­sen Erfah­rungs­schatz mit. Sie leitete während gut dreier Jahre das Fund­rai­sing der Stif­tung Kinder­dorf Pesta­lozzi. Sie verfügt über ausge­wie­sene Manage­ment- und Führungs­er­fah­rung sowie ein breit gefä­cher­tes Netz­werk im Stif­tungs- und Philanthropiewesen. 

The fede­ral govern­ment: a point of cont­act for civil society

Just as it invol­ved the scien­ti­fic commu­nity, the fede­ral govern­ment has also estab­lished a liai­son office between civil society and the Fede­ral Coun­cil Coro­na­vi­rus Crisis Unit (KSBC). From 16 March, our daily lives were radi­cally alte­red by the lock­down impo­sed by the fede­ral govern­ment. Civil society banded toge­ther and from day one, digi­tal plat­forms emer­ged across Switz­er­land to enable people to offer one another support.

Chari­ta­ble orga­ni­sa­ti­onslocal media and private compa­nies acted decisi­vely, and chari­ties offe­red straight­for­ward help where they could. To take full advan­tage of this commit­ment to tack­ling the coro­na­vi­rus crisis and make use of the full poten­tial of these initia­ti­ves, the fede­ral govern­ment estab­lished a liai­son office during lock­down, which func­tions as a chan­nel between fede­ral admi­nis­tra­tion and civil society. The COVID-19 Civil Society Point of Cont­act was set up and is run by the orga­ni­sa­tion staatslabor. 

The point of cont­act coll­ects requests from civil society in one place. The plat­form enables targe­ted inter­ac­tion with civil initia­ti­ves. This, in turn, allows poten­tial colla­bo­ra­tion between indi­vi­dual initia­ti­ves and the respon­si­ble fede­ral offices to be exami­ned. The aim is to improve the allo­ca­tion of resour­ces within fede­ral govern­ment and civil society. 

Your initia­tive can get invol­ved at

Wie hoch sind die Verteilkosten?

StiftungSchweiz hat Ende Okto­ber ihre Phil­an­thro­pie-Platt­form lanciert. Ein Video, welches den Nutzen der Platt­form aufzei­gen sollte, enthielt eine Aussage, die zu einer kontro­ver­sen Debatte führte. Am 14. Novem­ber 2019 stellte Profes­sor Georg von Schnur­bein, Leiter Center for Phil­an­thropy Studies CEPS in Basel, im sozia­len Netz­werk Linke­dIn eine Aussage von StiftungSchweiz in Frage. In einem Erklär­vi­deo hatte die Online-Platt­form errech­net, dass bei vier Milli­ar­den Fran­ken jähr­li­chen Spen­den­gel­dern in der Schweiz Verteil­kos­ten von einer Milli­arde Fran­ken anfal­len. The Philanthropist nahm diese Kritik zum Anlass, Georg von Schnur­bein einzu­la­den zu einem Gespräch mit Peter Buss, Grün­der von StiftungSchweiz. Der Stif­tungs­sek­tor ist viel­fäl­tig. Dies gilt ebenso für die Seite der geld­sam­meln­den Orga­ni­sa­tio­nen, sprich Projekt­trä­ger, wie für die Seite der Geld­ge­be­rin­nen und ‑geber. Bis heute gibt es keine umfas­sende Statis­tik über die Ausga­ben für den gesam­ten Sektor. Verschie­denste Studien und Auswer­tun­gen decken nur jeweils einzelne Teile ab. Sie beru­hen auf unter­schied­li­chen Grund­ge­samt­hei­ten und verschie­de­nen Stich­pro­ben. Wie sich zeigt, ist die Inter­pre­ta­tion der Werte schwie­rig und kontrovers. 

72 hours for a sustainable Switzerland

On 14 Novem­ber, repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the non-profit and chari­ta­ble sector gathe­red in the main hall at the Museum of Trans­port in Lucerne, where 350 people took part in the proFonds confe­rence. Read morFrom 16 to 19 Janu­ary 2020, 15,000 child­ren and young people across Switz­er­land spent 72 hours working on 235 projects for a sustainable Switz­er­land. The young people’s projects revol­ved around the UN’s 17 Sustainable Deve­lo­p­ment Goals from its 2030 Agenda. They built bee hotels, repai­red scout centres, imple­men­ted recy­cling ideas and did much more besi­des. 72:00 is a project by the Swiss youth orga­ni­sa­tion SAJV, supported by the Fede­ral Govern­ment, Lote­rie Romande, Sophie und Karl Binding Stif­tung and Stif­tung Merca­tor Schweiz.

The 31st Schwei­zer Stiftungstag

On 14 Novem­ber, repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the non-profit and chari­ta­ble sector gathe­red in the main hall at the Museum of Trans­port in Lucerne, where 350 people took part in the proFonds confe­rence. Read more

Study shines a light on social benefits

A study laun­ched by Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons and carried out in colla­bo­ra­tion with PwC Switz­er­land reve­als that chari­ta­ble foun­da­ti­ons bene­fit Swiss society. One parti­cu­larly inte­res­t­ing ques­tion discus­sed was whether society would lose more funds through tax reduc­tions than it would gain in grants. Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons published the study in July. 

Hand­book on Corpo­rate Foundations

The number of ‘corpo­rate foun­da­ti­ons’ is incre­asing and they are gaining in importance. As a result, it is important to have a better under­stan­ding of how they work. This task is the focus of the ‘Hand­book on Corpo­rate Foun­da­ti­ons’, which will be published by Sprin­ger in early 2020. Nume­rous contri­bu­ti­ons in the book come from the Center for Phil­an­thropy Studies.

Volun­tee­ring to step out of their comfort zone

Volun­teers travel to Greece to help refu­gees who arrive there by boat. In their docu­men­tary ‘Volun­teer’, Anna Thom­men and Lorenz Nufer reveal the birth of a citi­zens’ move­ment that defends Europe’s huma­ni­ta­rian values.

Under­stan­ding Bill Gates

Netflix is devo­ting a three-part series to Microsoft’s foun­der, Bill Gates. The docu­men­tary ‘Inside Bill’s Brain – Deco­ding Bill Gates’ not only shines a light on his succes­ses as a mana­ger; it also high­lights his phil­an­thro­pic work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foun­da­tion and the role that it plays in current issues.

Eglan­tyne — a theatre play writ­ten and perfor­med by Anne Chamberlain

100 years ago Save the Child­ren was estab­lished by a very coura­ge­ous woman — Eglan­tyne Jebb — who dedi­ca­ted her life to helping the most disad­van­ta­ged child­ren in the world. She not only foun­ded one of the world’s leading orga­niza­ti­ons for children’s rights but also formu­la­ted children’s rights for the first time hers­elf, which laid the foun­da­ti­ons for the UN Conven­tion of the Rights of the Child — 70 years later. In honor of the extra­or­di­nary live and work of the foun­der Eglan­tyne Jebb and of the 30th anni­ver­sary of the UN Conven­tion of the Rights of the Child, Save the Child­ren is hosting an inspi­ring thea­ter play about her life. Please regis­ter for the event. Entry free, dona­ti­ons are welcome.

Charity for ethi­cal ques­ti­ons rela­ting to digitalisation

Digi­tals­witz­er­land laun­ched the Swiss Digi­tal Initia­tive (SDI) at the Swiss Global Digi­tal Summit on 2 Septem­ber. The initia­tive is to be supported by a charity led by former member of the Fede­ral Coun­cil Doris Leuthard. The Swiss Digi­tal Initia­tive aims to set ethi­cal stan­dards in the digi­tal world.

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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