Good to know

How foundations support innovations in research

Dear reader,

It doesn’t have to be the Nobel Prize – but it can be! Michel Mayor, the Geneva-based Nobel Prize winner, explains in an inter­view how he disco­vered the first planet outside our solar system toge­ther with Didier Queloz. This is a clear exam­ple of how Switz­er­land, as a rese­arch loca­tion, achie­ves the remar­kable. It’s some­thing we can be proud of. Howe­ver, the quality of a rese­arch and educa­tion hub isn’t just measu­red by its top perfor­man­ces. The breadth of issues discus­sed and a gene­rally higher stan­dard of educa­tion and rese­arch are also just as rele­vant. The important commo­dity here is human capi­tal – or more simply put, people them­sel­ves.
Rese­ar­chers achieve great advance­ments in know­ledge, and their inno­va­tions move society and the economy forwards. In the process, they make a signi­fi­cant contri­bu­tion to the health of Switzerland’s economy. In order for this to remain the case, educa­tion and rese­arch have to be acces­si­ble to ever­yone – even in the future. And the pros­pects for this are good. Most univer­sity rese­arch and educa­tion is finan­ced by the state, but phil­an­thropy also has its part to play: it comple­ments state funding, sets new cata­lysts in motion and promo­tes rese­arch in ways the state cannot. In this edition, you can find out how foun­da­ti­ons do this today.

I hope that you enjoy reading this issue.

Dr. Peter Buss

Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

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