For donors

The new online dona­tion maga­zine provi­des infor­ma­tion about inspi­ring projects and offers tips on how to make online dona­ti­ons very easy

Lots of people are looking forward to the holi­days, but not ever­yone can afford them. When you think of honey­bees, you mostly think of beehi­ves lined up in rows, but most people don’t know about the fate of wild honey­bees threa­tened with extinc­tion. Chari­ta­ble orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, such as the Schwei­zer Arbei­ter­hilfs­werk and Freethe­bees, focus on concerns that, for many, are far remo­ved from their ever­y­day lives – but that might just be issues that they would like to support. StiftungSchweiz has laun­ched the Spen­den­Ma­ga­zin (dona­tion maga­zine) to give more visi­bi­lity to the variety of dona­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties available. As well as insights in into the work of commit­ted orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, the new online maga­zine provi­des tips on the topic of donating.

Simply digi­tal

‘The Swiss donate from the heart, and they donate a lot,’ says Peter Buss, editor and publisher of the Spen­den­Ma­ga­zin and The Philanthropist. ‘There are lots of great orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and projects that are not very well known, but are abso­lut­ely worth donors getting to know.’ The Spen­den­Ma­ga­zin intro­du­ces them, while at the same time harnes­ses the power of an incre­asingly digi­tal world, making it effort­lessly easy to donate – for exam­ple, the maga­zine is linked with StiftungSchweiz’s fund­rai­sing plat­form. ‘If a reader finds an exci­ting project in the Spen­den­Ma­ga­zin and wants to donate to it, the fund­rai­sing plat­form makes this possi­ble imme­dia­tely – and it’s easy and secure,’ explains Peter Buss. The Spen­den­Ma­ga­zin is also accom­pa­nied by the fort­nightly ‘Do Good’ newsletter.

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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