Female patrons: thought – action – impact

Women play an important role in phil­an­thropy. Mäze­n­in­nen: Denken – Handeln – Bewe­gen (Female patrons: thought – action – impact) was published by Elisa Borto­luzzi Dubach and Hans­ru­dolf Frey in Octo­ber 2014. The book provi­des a detailed histo­ri­cal over­view of the topic, and illus­tra­tes the many instances in history when female patro­nage has been parti­cu­larly impactful. In 20 portraits, the authors depict female phil­an­thropy, wide-ranging patro­nage and women’s generosity.

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Falken­platz 14
PO Box, 3001 Bern
Tel. +41 (0)31 309 09 00


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