Foto: Borussia / Christian Verheyen

Exer­cise unites

It’s good for body, mind and society

Dear reader,

Sport moves us – body and soul. It gives us both strength and stamina, and keeps us fit in older age. Sport moti­va­tes us: swea­ting along­side others often teaches us lessons for life. Sport is about much more than ‘just’ elite athle­tes. Sport has
a wide-ranging impact. And it tran­s­cends language barriers. Sport is unders­tood
in all four corners of the globe. Even though it can be chal­len­ging, tire­some and nerve-wrack­ing, espe­ci­ally for the less sporty among us, our society would be a very diffe­rent place if sport didn’t exist.

For many, sport is an indis­pensable part of life. Even though (almost) all of us did PE lessons at school, we know that many sports acti­vi­ties are only possi­ble thanks to the addi­tio­nal support provi­ded by a dedi­ca­ted array of chari­ta­ble orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and foun­da­ti­ons, plus thou­sands of volun­teers. For people who have speci­fic needs due to a unique living situa­tion or a disa­bi­lity, in parti­cu­lar, sport can bring a sense of norma­lity to their day-to-day lives.

Sport is more than ‘just’ FC Zürich and Roland-Garros. Sport brings people toge­ther, to the bene­fit of our society as a whole. We’d like to use this edition to give you an insight into this chari­ta­ble side of sport.

I hope it leaves a wonderful impres­sion on you, in many diffe­rent respects.

Dr. Peter Buss

Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

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