Events and education

11 May 2020 | 2. Inter­na­tio­nal E‑Healthcare Online Event
Digi­tal Tech­no­logy against Virus Pande­mic. The past decade has allo­wed the deve­lo­p­ment of a multi­tude of digi­tal tools. Now they can be used to reme­diate the COVID-19 outbreak. Further infor­ma­tion

1 July 2020 | Compli­ance in foun­da­ti­ons and asso­cia­ti­ons — Compli­ance as a decis­ion-making baro­me­ter
For the third time, the one-day semi­nar for foun­da­tion boards, mana­ging direc­tors of foun­da­ti­ons, members of the boards of asso­cia­ti­ons and their employees and compli­ance offi­cers will be held at the ZHAW in Winter­thur. Further infor­ma­tion

17 and 18 June 2020 | Deut­scher Stif­tungs­tag 2020
Europe’s largest trade fair for chari­ties is held under the motto of ‘Let’s stick toge­ther! Chari­ties shape the future’. The event will take place at the Congress Center Leip­zig. Further infor­ma­tion

15 Octo­ber 2020 | Forum Natio­nal des Asso­cia­ti­ons & Fonda­ti­ons
The Forum Natio­nal des Asso­cia­ti­ons & Fonda­ti­ons, an event for stake­hol­ders within the volun­t­ary sector, is taking place at Paris’ Palais des Congrès on 15 Octo­ber 2020. Further infor­ma­tion

From 17 August 2020 onwards | CAS impact manage­ment in non-profits 2020
funda­men­tals of effi­ci­ent and compact plan­ning, mana­ging and moni­to­ring impact in non-profits. The course teaches the funda­men­tals of impact-focu­sed work, geared towards the prac­tice of non-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. It is run by CEPS. Further infor­ma­tion

Certi­fi­ca­tion course in impact manage­ment in non-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons
The Center for Phil­an­thropy Studies (CEPS) at the Univer­sity of Basel has sche­du­led the first module of the certi­fi­ca­tion course for 17 August. In an effi­ci­ent and compact format, the course teaches the basic prin­ci­ples of outcome-focu­sed work using tools and methods adapted to a prac­ti­cal non-profit context. 
17–21 August in Sigris­wil. Further infor­ma­tion

NPO Finanz­kon­fe­renz
This year’s event will focus on the incre­asing finan­cial pres­sure faced by non-profit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and how to tackle this chall­enge. 
2 Septem­ber 2020, 1:30–5:00 pm at the Zug-Rotkreuz Campus, Suur­stoffi 12, Rotkreuz. Further infor­ma­tion

Compa­nies and chari­ties – a multi-face­ted rela­ti­onship
Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons, the Europa Insti­tut at the Univer­sity of Zurich and the CEPS present a series of semi­nars on the topic of best prac­tice within boards of trus­tees. The next event is sche­du­led to take place on 17 Septem­ber 2020. Further infor­ma­tion

Schwei­zer Stif­tungs­tag
This year’s Stif­tungs­tag will take place on 20 Novem­ber in Zurich. Further infor­ma­tion

Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons Stif­tungs­ge­spräch
The ‘Foun­da­tion for the Future’ edition of the tradi­tio­nal Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons Stif­tungs­ge­spräch discus­sion will take place on the Euro­pean Day of Foun­da­ti­ons and Donors.
1 Octo­ber 2020 at Casino Bern. Further infor­ma­tion

Basler Stif­tungs­tag 2020 post­po­ned
The next Basler Stif­tungs­tag will take place on Tues­day, 24 August 2021 at the FHNW Muttenz Campus. Save the date! Further infor­ma­tion

StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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