How old is old?

Stiftungen und der Generationenvertrag

Dear reader,

We are gaining time. Our life expec­tancy is rising almost every year. This should be a cause for cele­bra­tion. The problem is that it is putting severe strain on the inter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal contract. Older members of our society are incre­asingly being regarded purely as a finan­cial burden. But the coro­na­vi­rus crisis has reve­a­led the unex­pec­ted gap left by older people when they are placed under rest­ric­tions. They play an irre­placeable role when it comes to child­care and support for vulnerable people, for exam­ple. They also bring to bear their valuable expe­ri­ence in volun­teer work and hono­rary leader­ship posi­ti­ons, like roles on boards of trustees.

Age is an important topic for chari­ties in parti­cu­lar. Chari­ties address issues that public autho­ri­ties and the private sector do not – or do not yet – cover. Projects run by chari­ties demons­trate how diffe­rent gene­ra­ti­ons bene­fit each other. The inter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal contract is not a one-way street. And chari­ties play
a key role in making this fact felt. If this is done successfully, it enables us to shift the focus to the upsi­des of living longer.

I am ther­e­fore deligh­ted that this edition is shed­ding light on the importance of the topic of age for chari­ties. I hope that you enjoy reading it.

Dr. Peter Buss

Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

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