École des Sables

A new programme in Toubab Dialaw, Sene­gal, is teaching people to dance and provi­ding trai­ning. In colla­bo­ra­tion with the eeg-cowles Foun­da­tion and C’est Comment, the École des Sables has laun­ched an Acogny tech­ni­que programme. Acogny tech­ni­que is a foun­da­tio­nal method for teaching contem­po­rary Afri­can dance. It was deve­lo­ped by Germaine Acogny, 

an inter­na­tio­nally successful Sene­ga­lese choreo­grapher with a substan­tial network. She opened the first Afri­can dance studio in Dakar in 1968. The programme is desi­gned for 20- to 30-year-olds, and is aimed at young dancers from around the world. The programme star­ted in 2020. It consists of two twelve-week sessi­ons, and ends this year. It teaches dances for child­ren and adults. The programme fulfils an urgent profes­sio­nal and econo­mic demand – dance trai­ning is rarely reco­g­nised as a valid quali­fi­ca­tion in many Afri­can count­ries. After successfully comple­ting both parts of the programme, the candi­da­tes are awarded a diploma.

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