Karin Schumacher, im Eingang des innovativen «Sitzungszraums Nissan». Photo: Kostas Maros

Dare to digitalise

Dear reader,

You may well be wonde­ring if anyone really needs another new print maga­zine, and whether it isn’t rather a contra­dic­tion in terms to devote the first issue of that maga­zine to the topic of digitalisation.

On the contrary! People are multi­di­men­sio­nal: we operate in a digi­tal world and in an analo­gue one, too. Some­ti­mes we func­tion in one, and some­ti­mes in both, although our day-to-day reality is beco­ming incre­asingly digi­tal, of course. That said, we don’t need to pick just one of these worlds – the exci­ting task we face is brin­ging them toge­ther. That is why I don’t see The Philanthropist as exclu­si­vely being a print product, given that we create exci­ting content in both prin­ted and digi­tal form. When you read the print maga­zine, you’re also invi­ted to join us in the digi­tal sphere. That very same perspec­tive is mirrored in today’s phil­an­thro­pic land­scape. From crypto charity funds (which remain an enigma even to many digi­tal nati­ves) through to tiny foun­da­ti­ons that still use shoe­bo­xes as a filing system, the phil­an­thro­pic land­scape is richly diverse. We want to high­light this diversity.

Of course, it is true that a lot of orga­ni­sa­ti­ons are merely at the start of their digi­tal jour­ney. That’s why avoi­ding this topic is no longer an option. We want to use this maga­zine to discuss topics of shared inte­rest and contri­bute to brin­ging the phil­an­thro­pic sector toge­ther. We have a lot of poten­tial, and digi­ta­li­sa­tion can help us to tap into it, espe­ci­ally in terms of beco­ming more effi­ci­ent. So, if we manage to pique your curio­sity about the content and themes we’re presen­ting, we’ve alre­ady achie­ved our first goal. Why? Because the chari­ta­ble sector needs people who are inte­res­ted in it and open to new things.

I hope that reading this issue is an inspi­ring expe­ri­ence for you. 

Dr. Peter Buss
Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher

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