Commit­ted to impact

How foundations are taking an entrepreneurial approach to expanding their funding strategies

Dear reader

Is the chari­ta­ble sector on the verge of a para­digm shift? Entre­pre­neu­rial forms of funding are being widely discus­sed. Foun­da­ti­ons are alre­ady conside­ring making impact invest­ments when it comes to inves­t­ing. The change in prac­tice for tax exemp­tion in the canton of Zurich now opens up funding for impact invest­ment. In addi­tion to invest­ments, it is now also possi­ble to issue inte­rest-bearing loans or conver­ti­ble bonds, with part of the money flowing back into the foundation’s assets in the form of inte­rest, income or profit-sharing.

Such a dual approach has the poten­tial to signi­fi­cantly increase the impact of phil­an­thro­pic efforts. Propon­ents argue that entre­pre­neu­rial phil­an­thropy can be a more effec­tive way of tack­ling poverty in the Global South. The Indian start-up Oorja, which uses solar energy to improve the living condi­ti­ons of farmers, impres­si­vely demons­tra­tes how econo­mic success and social bene­fits can go hand in hand.

But as promi­sing as the approach may be, it also raises ques­ti­ons. Can foun­da­ti­ons main­tain their inde­pen­dence as market prin­ci­ples become more influ­en­tial? If you take up the chall­enge and expand tradi­tio­nal funding models with entre­pre­neu­rial approa­ches, you need to define precise objec­ti­ves and then measure the impact achie­ved. Trans­pa­rency is crucial to main­tai­ning credibility.

In this issue of The Philanthropist, we shine a spot­light on impact inves­t­ing. There is no ques­tion that it will give new impe­tus to the foun­da­tion sector. Those who close them­sel­ves off to the trend of entre­pre­neu­rial support run the risk of falling behind. But the balance between finan­cial profi­ta­bi­lity and social respon­si­bi­lity is chal­len­ging; this balan­cing act is crucial to keeping the grea­ter good front and centre. Chall­enge accepted? Then it’s time to head towards break-even point!

The Philanthropist-Team

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