
The use of specific numbers allows astonishing facts to be expressed in concrete terms. The Philanthropist reveals the story behind the figure, putting its importance into context.

In Swiss sport, nothing can be achie­ved without volun­t­ary commit­ment: accor­ding to surveys, 35 percent...
Taking preven­ta­tive action can avoid a lot of pain and suffe­ring. Forty thousand people in...
of food is wasted. Globally. Resul­ting in unneces­sary CO2 emis­si­ons. In Switz­er­land, around a third...
1,000 solu­ti­ons wanted, 1,000 solu­ti­ons found: the Solar Impulse Foun­da­tion foun­ded by Bert­rand Piccard sear­ched...
New finan­cing models and inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons based on entre­pre­neu­rial prin­ci­ples: Brainforest’s novel approach to achie­ving...
Corpo­rate foun­da­ti­ons sit some­where between entre­pre­neur­ship and nonpro­fit work. At present, Switz­er­land is home to...
It is the 100th anni­ver­sary of his Nobel Prize: Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel...
StiftungSchweiz is committed to enabling a modern philanthropy that unites and excites people and has maximum impact with minimal time and effort.

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