Photo: Fred Merz

Added value for society

When businesses turn philanthropist

Dear reader,

Phil­an­thropy and the Swiss economy have always been closely tied. These connec­tions extend far beyond finan­cial aspects to include sharing exper­tise, networks, and the desire to take an active role in shaping society.

Compa­nies’ reasons and approa­ches vary signi­fi­cantly, with only a handful getting invol­ved within the frame­work of CSR, CCR, SDG or ESG. Most have never heard these terms, yet fulfil their social respon­si­bi­li­ties with tremen­dous success – even without a concep­tual framework.

Espe­ci­ally in crises, larger company dona­ti­ons provide quick and effec­tive help. Beyond this, there is far too much we still do not know, which is why we have dedi­ca­ted this issue to exami­ning corpo­rate phil­an­thropy. We delve into social projects at multi­na­tio­nal corpo­ra­ti­ons such as Novar­tis, Nestlé and ABB, explore what Ricola stands for (it’s more than just cough drops) and disco­ver how much Swis­sair employees have accom­plished with their foun­da­tion, though the company itself no longer exists. Of parti­cu­lar inte­rest are foun­da­ti­ons that own joint stock compa­nies (AG). 

We hope this issue will provide some unex­pec­ted and exci­ting new insights into the sector. Perhaps you will even find some inspi­ra­tion for your own company or corpo­ra­tion. In any case, we have also put toge­ther a guide on how compa­nies can estab­lish a foundation.

I hope that you enjoy reading it.

Dr. Peter Buss

Mana­ging direc­tor and publisher
Phil­an­thropy Services AG

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