Gerade steht die Welt Kopf. Krisen über Krisen. Und wenig Aussicht auf Besserung. Unsere Resilienz ist gefordert, auf allen Ebenen:...
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The reputable representatives of the media are facing a tough time financially. Barely a week goes by without another publishing...
Dear reader, The world is topsy-turvy at the moment. One crisis after another. With little prospect that the situation will...
A consortium of eight grant giving foundations has had a stake in StiftungSchweiz for a year now. This commitment reflects...
Alice, what is philanthropy’s most pressing need? Trust and a willingness to take risks. You need courage to take the risk...
Data is a crucial resource in our digital-driven society, underpinning machine learning (often known as ‘artificial intelligence’) and personalised advertising,...
As the world becomes more complex, we need new solutions. Foundations are positioning themselves with new forms of work and...
A national study by Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) studied how willing the people would be to engage in ‘joint research’. The...
National Day of Solidarity. Solidarity is the word of the moment. Coronavirus has been the defining force of 2020, hugely...
As the founder of various civil society organisations, Nicola Forster has a lot of experience in working with charities. Here,...
The Stiftung Evangelische Gesellschaft in the canton of Zurich supports the Malaika integration project, which provides intercultural theatrical and culinary...
In a place where huge machines previously inked letters onto paper, bright whiteboards and big screens now invite us to...